Writing is your
#1 Lifehack to

  • Feel happy and content

  • Break through persisting patterns

  • Get rid of anxiëty and stress

  • Realize what you actually want

  • and get it!

Become a better partner, parent, professional. One page at the time.

On a mission

I am on a mission to daily motivate 1.000 men to start journaling.

Why? Because it's fucking necessary.

Not to be dramatic, but we lose a man to suicide every minute worldwide. Life's pace and pressure keep rising. So does inequality. Even if you think you're doing okay.

And we're still stuck with this outdated idea that you have to deal with everything in silence. That being strong means not being in touch with our emotions. To bulldozer on without checking in with our inner self. To ‘just cope with it’. F that. It's time for a different approach.

Join the movement! Grab a pen. Start today. Because life's too damn good not to write about it.

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Bonus: 11 Questions a Man Should Ask Himself

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About Journaling Man

Get it out of your head.

Let's be honest: We all spend way too much time in our head.

Or hidden in our phone.

Al least, I was...

Always searching what can be better, thinking what I should have done, who and what needs to change. Thought-filled nights and no structure in this mental chaos. Very tiresome.

You can tell yourself things will be different, but before you know it, you hopped back in the train of thoughts that just goes round and round.

My real test came in the beginning of 2025. We lost our main source of income, signed a mortgage for our new farmhouse project and got news that our daughter needed an intense medical treatment. All in the same week.

Normally this would have been my breaking point. But I drew my pen instead. Not as a sobby therapy. Not for some mystical practice.

I start to write to stay sane. To stay clear.

And to follow my vision.

Become your best version of a man

Journaling changed everything for me. It saved me.

Look, I have kept a diary for 20 years. Sometimes consistent, but more often not. But it took me till recent to notice the pattern.

The times I stuck with it, I felt sharper, stronger, and more CONFIDENT. I dared to make epic CHOICES that shaped my life, I got shit DONE. Generally, I was just more HAPPY.

More ME.

Now I made deliberate choices for what I truly wanted for me and my family: freedom and independence.

From that energy, I launched Journaling Man.

A mix of 20 years of work experience and personal passion.

Because I KNOW this works. I've tested it all. I know what it feels like to be stuck, not knowing where to start. I know the excuses. "No time", "No motivation", "No discipline". Bullshit.

It's never about time.

It's about daring to take back control, so you can be free.

Right now I am setting up my new business, providing income and stability. I am present for my wife and for our children. And we are building our farm dreamlife.

Now it’s your turn.

Become a Journaling Man.


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